

The Notification section in settings ensures that clients can edit and send notifications at different stages of the order processing journey.

The following stages are provided in Ginkgo, to send Notifications to the customers when required. Once the toggle for any stage is enabled (as shown in the above screenshot), the customer will receive the notification automatically.

  1. Order Confirmation: Customers will receive a SMS or an email when their order is confirmed by the System User.

  2. Order Cancel: Customers will receive a notification when their order is canceled for any reason.

  3. Order Fulfilled: This trigger will enable customer notifications when their order's CN (Consignee Number) is generated.

  4. Manual Verified: Notifications are sent when a system user manually verifies the order.

  5. Auto Verified: The "Auto Verified" trigger will send notifications for orders that have been automatically verified.

  6. Dispatch: When the order is moved to the dispatched tab, the customer will be notified.

  7. Split Order: Customers will receive notifications when their orders are dispatched from different locations.

  8. Split Order Update: The customer can receive a SMS or an email for any updates made to a split order.

  9. IVR Canceled: Customers will receive a SMS or an email when they cancel their order via IVR (Interactive Voice Response).

  10. Delivered: When the order is moved to the Delivered tab, a notification will be sent to the customer.

  11. Returned: This trigger will notify the customer via SMS/Email when the brand receives the return and acknowledges the order's receipt.

  12. Order Edit: Whenever an order is edited, the customer will receive a notification.


Note: The brand can select either sending an email or SMS to the customer. However, they also have the availability to select both for increased User Experience.

  • Order Verification Screen
    The text for the verification screen will be displayed in this tab. The brand can edit the message they want to send for verification in this tab.

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